The Lost Duckling
Lost Duckling is an engaging puzzle game designed specifically for mobile devices. The game follows the journey of a young duckling attempting to reunite with its mother. As the Level Designer, I played a crucial role in creating levels, and environments, collaborating with a team of three talented individuals.
Software Used (Recommended on the phone)
My Role
My primary responsibility was to design and create captivating levels that offered a challenging yet enjoyable gameplay experience. I carefully crafted each level, strategically placing puzzles and obstacles to test the player's problem-solving skills. The progression of difficulty and the seamless integration of puzzles were key factors in ensuring a satisfying gameplay flow.
Lost Duckling stands as a testament to my skills as a Level Designer in the game development industry. By creating engaging levels and immersive environments, I contributed to the game's overall success. Collaborating with a talented team of individuals, we created a puzzle game that challenges players. Lost Duckling showcases my expertise in level design and environment design, I'm proud to have been a part of this collaborative project.